Simple Plus, Inc
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501 School St SW
DC 20024
social media for kids
Without exaggeration, social media are a whole world, and for your child, it can be just as important as the real world. And this is completely normal. Now it just makes no sense to protect the child from the Internet and social media. Of course, more often this area is uncontrolled, and parents can be shocked to see a child’s account, for example on Facebook. But did you know that the problem of parents and social media can be solved? The book SOCIAL PARENTING by Timothy R. Jones will be your guide in the complex parenting on Facebook. If you ask yourself a question How to Get Your Children Back from Social Media? You will find the answer here. Social media for kids with your help will become less dangerous. In addition, social media for parents will become a way to improve relationships with children.
Simple Plus, Inc introduce social parenting
Among our products are:
- children and social media
- children on social media
- effects of social media on children
- effects of social media on kids
- facebook parent child
- facebook parenting
- how has media changed over time
- how has social media changed the way we communicate